Author Archives: Seth Anthony

About Seth Anthony

Bro. Anthony has been a member of the Fraternity for more than ten years. He is proud to serve our Lodge as an officer and as the Lodge Historian.

Bair Receives Scholarship from Lodge

Miss Bair receives the scholarship from Bro. Stephen E. Poff, Worshipful Master.

Miss Bair receives the scholarship from Bro. Stephen E. Poff, Worshipful Master.

Miss Kylee A. Bair, Mount Joy, PA has been selected to receive a $300.00 scholarship from Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682. The scholarship was awarded through the Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation. The Foundation, which is a charitable extension of the Grand Lodge of Masons in Pennsylvania, presented close to 60 scholarships totaling $170,000 this year to young people with a Masonic relative, or who are members of a Masonic-sponsored youth group.

Kylee is eligible as a relative of a member of the Lodge. Kylee was selected from close to 200 applicants. She is attending Millersville University. Previously, she graduated from Donegal High School.

1st Masonic District Holds Gun Raffle to Benefit Lebanon VA

The 1st Masonic District, to which Abraham C. Treichler Lodge belongs, is holding a gun raffle to benefit the Veteran’s Administration Hospital in Lebanon, PA. The tickets are being sold for $20 each and will be played using the PA Lottery during the month of November. Prizes include cash, hand guns, rifles, and more. To find out more information, purchase a ticket, or for a copy of the complete rules, please see the Worshipful Master.

Here is a complete list of the prizes available. Good luck!


What’s been going on at ACT 682?

It’s been a bit since we have updated you with the happenings at Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682. Don’t let the lack of posts fool you, the Lodge has been hard at work spreading the good deeds of Freemasonry far and wide.

Original_ Buttermilk_PancakesFirst, we’d like to thank all of those who attended or assisted at our Pancake Breakfast on May 17, 2014. It was a beautiful day for the event. The final count was more than 1550 guests. While final numbers are still being calculated, this fundraiser should end up netting several thousand dollars for the Lodge’s charitable endeavors. Special thanks go out to Past Masters Gene Geib and Denny O’Connor, who acted as leaders for this event, ensuring that everything went according to plan.


On Tuesday, May 19, following the stated meeting, the Lodge held a program to honor our home town heroes – first responders from local police, fire companies, and ambulance services. Close to 30 first responders were in attendance and each received the congratulations of the Lodge and one of the Grand Master’s First Repsonder lapel pins. The guests were also treated to an ice cream bar after the meeting, where they continued to receive the thanks of a greatful membership.

The Lodge is now finalizing all of our programs before the summer break, so join us at our meeting in June and enjoy a program by Bro. Tom Dice, who will speak on the symbolism of the Past Master’s Jewel in honor of the Past Masters of our Lodge. See you then!


Lodge History Video

At a recent meeting of the Treichler Lodge, Bro. Seth Anthony, Senior Deacon and Lodge Historian, presented a video on the history of the Lodge during the 1950’s and 1960’s. If you were unable to attend the meeting, we’ve made the video available below for you to view. Enjoy!

DeMolay Plans Fundraiser

Please find below, for your consideration and review, a fundraising flyer for Elizabethtown Chapter of DeMolay.  It takes place on Tuesday Feb 25, 2014 from 5pm-9pm at the Isaac’s Restaurant in Mount Joy, PA.  25% of EACH order will be donated to the chapter as long as the flyer is presented.  **If we have 100 Freemasons attend and they each had an order of $10 that would equal a profit of $250 for the Etown DEMOLAY Chapter!

Worshipful Master Spends Time with DeMolay

On Saturday, January 25, 2014, Bro. Stephen E. Poff, Worshipful Master, attended a Prospect Party Event for Elizabethtown Chapter, Order of DeMolay. Bro. Poff was accompanied by his wife and children, who joined the Chapter at Laserdome in Mount Joy, PA. The Master and his family enjoyed the games with the DeMolay and he extends his thanks to the Chapter for the warm welcome that was received.WM-n-MC-LaserDome01252014

Treichler Welcomes Grand Lodge for Presentation

LodgeOfficersCleanOn January 21, 2014, the members and officers of Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682 were pleased to welcome Bro. Robert J. Bateman, Right Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania, to the stated meeting of the Lodge for a special presentation. Travelling with the Grand Master were several other Grand Lodge officers, making for an exciting night. The officers of the Lodges of the First Masonic District were also out in force, supporting Treichler Lodge as a new member of the District, thanks to the hard work of Bro. Larry A. Derr, District Deputy Grand Master. There was literally no seating left in the Lodge room and the Lodge ran out of aprons, having to use candidate aprons to properly clothe the nearly 200 brethren and friends that were present!

The crowd was certainly large because of the reason for the Grand Master’s visit – the formal presentation of the apron and jewel of a Past District Deputy Grand Master to Brother Noble P. Johnson, Past Master of our Lodge, who retired as the District Deputy for the 60th Masonic District after 10 years of faithful service. Noble also was able to welcome his family to the open presentation, which included his children, grandchildren, sister, and beloved wife, Althea, who assisted him on his journey. Bro. Noble thanked his District Committee Chairmen, Charles Schaeffer–Youth; and Mark Mattern–Website; and remembered the work of the late Bro. David Gontz, P.M. Lodge 666, with Masonic Education, and especially  the late Bro. Robert R. George, P.M., Lodge 682, as the Principal of the District 60 School of Instruction. Bro. Noble thanked  all of the Brothers for their continued support and was greeted with a lengthy standing ovation, which he found very moving.

Bro. Bateman was pleased to extend the gift of his Grand Master’s Medallion to the Lodge and promised an automobile sunscreen to Bro. Stephen E. Poff, Worshipful Master. The Medallion has been turned over to the trustees and will be displayed as the Lodge relics and museum are updated. The Grand Master also outlined his programs for the year and gave a very stirring oration which the membership found both informative and entertaining.

The Lodge had not seen this kind of turn out in a long time and it certainly was a great night for Freemasonry in Elizabethtown. Thank you to everyone who came out for this special event!

Lodge Secures Piece of History

Elizabethtown Freemasons Receive Bible of Lodge Namesake

The officers of the Lodge accept the Bible. Picture are: (front) Mrs. Karen Sensemen and Bro. Stephen E. Poff, Worshipful Master. (second row) Bro. Robert Gregiore, PM, Secretary; Bro. Seth C. Anthony, Senior Deacon and Lodge Historian; Bro. Jeffrey A. Schmidt, Junior Warden. (top row) Bro. H. Eugene Geib, PM, Senior Warden and Bro. Lawrence R. Ebersole, PM, Treasurer

The officers of the Lodge accept the Bible. Pictured are: (front) Mrs. Karen Sensemen and Bro. Stephen E. Poff, Worshipful Master. (second row) Bro. Robert G. Gregoire, PM, Secretary; Bro. Seth C. Anthony, Senior Deacon and Lodge Historian; Bro. Jeffrey A. Schmidt, Junior Warden. (top row) Bro. H. Eugene Geib, PM, Senior Warden and Bro. Lawrence R. Ebersole, PM, Treasurer

Members of Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682, Free and Accepted Masons, were pleased to receive the Bible belonging to the Treichler Family, originally owned by Dr. Abraham Treichler for whom the Lodge is named. This family heirloom was donated by Mrs. Karen Sensemen, of Highspire, the great grandaughter of Dr. Treichler. The donation also included personal documents from Dr. Treichler, including a marriage certificate. The Bible and documents are believed to be nearly 150 years old.

Dr. Treichler was a physician in the Elizabethtown area in the early 1900’s. An active Freemason, he was intricately involved in bringing the Masonic Villages to Elizabethtown and would later serve as their first attending physician. When a Lodge was founded in Elizabethtown, it was later named in his honor.

The Lodge looks forward to using this Bible for special occasions, including the upcoming visit of our Right Worshipful Grand Master.